With the help of our worldwide partners we are providing specialized driver recruitment services to our satisfied customers


At Gieoz Corporate Drivers Ltd, Drivers to us are a very mobile cadre of employee. At every point in time, there are individuals and corporate organizations looking out for competent and reliable drivers. Our objective is to meet this need in a timely manner.

Some benefits to your organization:

  • Savings in cost of recruitment and placement. We also provide temporary drivers at a greatly discounted value.
  • Your organization will benefit from a lot of cost savings as you will no longer provide administrative responsibilities such as medical, pension etc for this category of staff.
  • Drivers under our management regularly undergo periodical training and retraining in driving techniques, safety habits , first aid awareness.. etc to ensure that they constantly update their knowledge and apply the best safety procedures constantly. Thus you are sure that well-trained drivers service your organization.
  • Work continuity is guaranteed as the every driver proceeding on leave (annaul or casual), would be promptly relieved by an equally competent and to be provided from our pool of tested personnel.
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